This is not a joke, it really is possible to make money playing video games, but where to start. Here are the top three ways that you can use to make money, and get paid to play video games.
1 Enter on-line gaming tournaments
There are many on-line tournaments, the way most work is quite simple. You challenge other gamers and if successful, you can win big prizes. Some professional tournaments pay out very large prizes. These can be as large as five or six figure payouts!
2 Get a job testing video games
A bit harder to achieve this one, and it has to be said to get a testing job straight away is difficult, as there is allot of competition for each advertised vacancy. The best advice I can give if you are looking for full time employment as a game-tester, is to start at the bottom. Why not apply for an entry level post with a video game company, once your in the company it is often easier to work your way up to your dream job of video game tester.
3 Write Your Own Game Reviews
Whilst you’re spending all your time playing the games , why not write about them? Its easier to write about things that interest you, and a well written video game review can be turned into a source of income. Start a free blog and write reviews for it. If you grow your readership, write decent reviews, and supplement your blog with news stories and video game tips, you can position ads from Google or commission junction and make money from your efforts.
From here its a an easy step to becoming a freelance writer. Writing articles for websites on computer gaming, and even offline magazines, is a great way to get paid to play video games.
The key to most of the methods to get paid to play video games is, Practice, Practice, Practice. The more you develop your gaming skills, the better chance of landing that dream job, getting paid to play video games.
As you can see there are many ways you can make money, and get paid to play video games. If you would like some more free information, on where you can find game testing jobs, and other ways you can profit from your computer gaming skills. Why not sign up for my free newsletter at, you can also find many more tips to get paid playing your favorite computer games from
Happy Gaming.
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